
Energy Access: Supporting Innovation between Europe and Africa

Date: 15/09/2022 - 16/09/2022

Location: Lille, France

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Energy Access: Supporting Innovation between Europe and Africa

ESECA partnership is organising its first networking workshop in Lille, France, on 15th and 16th of September 2022. ESECA has the main objective of promoting collaboration among European companies that are interested in the Sub-Sahara African energy markets and desire to develop cooperation projects with entities in these markets. This first presential event of ESECA project will be focused on presenting the latest discoveries of ESECA in the five target markets of the project (Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda) and fostering collaboration among European companies interested in increasing their presence and activity in these markets.

The event will gather entities and experts from the target markets and other key African energy markets, but also European companies that work on renewable energies, DER systems and smart grids interested in collaboration with other companies in Europe and develop projects together in Africa. The cluster Pôle MEDEE is the organiser of the event and its cluster will gather in this event strong companies from the energy and electric sector like EDF, Engie, RTE, Jeumont Electric, Enedis… Also, more European companies interested in the African markets will be attending the event.

The first day of the workshop, 15th of September, will be focused on the presentation of the possibilities of collaboration in the renewable energy sector and smart grids in Africa, with experts from Africa and Europe. Also, European companies that have experience in these markets will present their approach to do business in Africa. The workshop will then focus on presenting ESECA’s market reports and the results of the exploratory trips carried out to some of the target markets, the pitch presentation of European companies (including yours if interested) and their products focused for the African markets and later in the afternoon a complete B2B session among the participants.

On Friday 16th of September, ESECA will organise in the morning several technical visit to key installations and companies in the region, with the focus on continuing the identification of collaboration opportunities. You will find attached the first draft agenda of this networking workshop.

ESECA is able to fund part of the trip to Lille to a limited number of SMEs attending the event. So please, if you are interested on coming to this event, contact Peter Rechberger before 15th of August.

European Sustainable Energy Cluster partnership for Africa (ESECA) is a partnership formed by five European clusters (ACE, MEDEE, LE2C, MetaIndustry4 and ECPE) from Spain, France, Italy and Germany. Together, we gather around 550 organizations and 290 SMEs. The main goal of ESECA is to intensify business network collaboration among European companies (mostly SMEs) in the renewable energy and electrical power generation, distribution and transmission sectors, in order to develop a joint internationalisation strategy plan with common goals towards Sub-Saharan African markets.


General information


Energy Access: Supporting Innovation between Europe and Africa

Date: 15/09/2022 - 16/09/2022

Location: Lille, France

Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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