IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) has decided not to continue the cooperation with EPE Association in jointly organizing the EPE ECCE Europe Conference, after the successful finalization of the EPE´23 Conference in Aalborg.
PELS has announced a new partnership between IEEE PELS and ECPE for ECCE Europe (Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - Europe), see the IEEE Power Electronics Society Press Release:
From ECPE side we have a long tradition in cooperating with the EPE Conference since EPE 2005 in Dresden. Taking note of the decision of PELS, we have to ensure the continuance of a European Power Electronics Lighthouse Conference, both with a clear European character and an international involvement. Therefore, ECPE has accepted the invitation of IEEE PELS to jointly organize the future ECCE Europe Conference as equal partners. Of course, together with IEEE PELS and the European Power Electronics Experts from academia and industry we are responsible for the high quality of presentations, papers and the overall event organization.
We are inviting the Power Electronics community from academia and industry in Europe to follow us in shaping the new ECCE Europe Conference.
Leo Lorenz Thomas Harder
ECPE President General Manager of ECPE e.V.
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ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
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Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0
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