ECPE, the European Center for Power Electronics e.V., founded in 2003, is the leading industry-driven research network in the field of power electronics in Europe, with more than 230 member organizations, including member companies and competence centers.
An important part of the ECPE Network activities is the advanced training programme, with expert workshops on the one hand, and tutorials for young engineers in industry and beginners on the other hand. ECPE organizes about 20 events per year, with more than 800 participants, which are held in different countries across Europe.
Sustainability is one of the key words of our times. It is commonly accepted that power electronics helps to convert our world into a greener version...
Information about Power Electronics Conferences in Europe
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job forum
ECPE Job Forum The next generation of power electronic experts
The ECPE Job Forum offers a wide range of open positons in the power electronics industry and academia in Europe. Furthermore, you can find opportunities for bachelor’s and master’s theses, as well as student jobs.
ECPE Member Companies and Competence Centres can publish open positions for free!