Power Electronic Organisations

  • AIST - Power Electronics Research Center Japan

    AIST aims at R&D of renewable energy and contribution to reconstruction through clustering of industries. AIST, in collaboration with various people, will develop new technologies and diesseminate them to the world.


  • CALCE - Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering

    The Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), an electronic products and systems research center focused on electronics reliability, is dedicated to providing a knowledge and resource base to support the development of competitive electronic components, products and systems.


  • CORPE - Center of Reliable Power Electronics

    CORPE is a strategic research center between the industry and universities. It is led by Aalborg University. The overall goal is to produce cheaper more reliable electronic devices, which will accelerate the transition to sustainable energy sources.The center will address better understanding of how reliability of power electronic devices and systems is influenced by different stress factors such as temperature, overvoltage and current, overload and environment.


  • CPSS - China Power Supply Society

    CPSS is dedicated to achieving scientific and technological progress of Chinese power supply and the development of the power supply industry. Science and technology of power supply means one kind of multidisciplinary science of transforming coarse electricity to the electricity energy that is high in efficiency, quality and reliability, such as AC, DC and impulse, by conductor power device, electromagnetic components and battery through electric engineering, automatic control, micro-electronics, electrochemistry and new energy. It has broadly used in all aspects of economic construction and social life.


  • EPCIA - European Passive Components Industry Association

    EPCIAs mission is to represent and promote the common interests of the Passive Components Manufacturers active in Europe to ensure an open and transparent market for Passive Components in Europe as part of the global market place.


  • EPE - European Power Electronics and Drives Association

    The scope of the EPE Journal is to supply all experts in the field of power electronics and drives, with the most recent information on the rapid evolution in the field of Power Electronics, Drives and Industrial Applications.


  • EPSMA - European Power Supplies Manufacturing Association

    The European Power Supply Manufacturers Association (EPSMA) was formed in 1995 to represent the specialised needs of the power supply industry in Europe. The EPSMA was formed to provide a much needed forum for discussing and progressing issues of common concern to the power supply industry, for the benefit of power supply manufacturers, users and component suppliers alike.


  • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training Power Electronics for Sustainable Electric Propulsion

    The Power Electronics for Sustainable Electric Propulsion CDT is a collaboration between two of the UK's largest and most forward thinking research groups in electric propulsion: the Electrical Power Group at Newcastle University and the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Research Group at the University of Nottingham. Both groups are supported by over 20 industrial partners and seven industrial networks to deliver unprecedented high quality research and comprehensive training.


  • ETG - The Power Engineering Society Germany

    The ETG is a technical and scientific society in Germany in the field of power engineering. The society promotes ongoing development in the generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical power. Its aims are to spread information about new technological developments, support the internationalization of power supplies, and find viable compromises between society's needs and technically feasible solutions.


  • IEEE Joint IAS/PELS/IES German Chapter

    The Chapter Objective is to act as a facilitator in the area of power electronics, control and electric drives in Germany, to promote communication within the German power electronics community and strengthen national and international ties in meetings.


  • IEEE PELS - Power Electronic Society

    The IEEE Power Electronics Society seeks to publish the quality scientific and educational materials in the areas within its scope. PELS covers the globe to bring you comprehensive coverage and breaking news on emerging trends, mature and cutting-edge technologies, research breakthroughs and more.


  • Power Electronics UK

    The aim of PowerelectronicsUK is to ensure that the UK is recognised as a world leader in power electronics, creating jobs, and attracting investment. PowerelectronicsUK will act as a focal point across all supporting bodies and stakeholders in the UK.


  • PRBX - Powerbox International AB

    Founded in 1974, with headquarters in Sweden and operations in 15 countries across four continents, Powerbox serves customers all around the globe. The company focuses on four major markets – industrial, medical, transportation/railway and defense – for which it designs and markets premium quality power conversion systems for demanding applications. Powerbox’s mission is to use its expertise to increase customers’ competitiveness by meeting all of their power needs. Every aspect of the company’s business is focused on that goal, from the design of advanced components that go into products, through to high levels of customer service. Powerbox is recognized for technical innovations that reduce energy consumption and its ability to manage full product lifecycles while minimizing environmental impact. Powerbox is a Cosel Group Company.


  • SolarPower Europe

    SolarPower Europe is a member-led association representing organisations active along the whole value chain. Their aim is to shape the regulatory environment and enhance business opportunities for solar power in Europe. 


Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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