European Projects, HORIZON EUROPE
Date: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
Coordinator: Ikerlan, Spain
Volume: 4 million €
Grant agreement: No 101075709
Consortium: 11 partners from 5 nations
Cost-effective high-voltage silicon carbide semiconductors for green energy
The further deployment of clean sustainable energies hinges on more efficient and competitive converter solutions. Wide bandgap technology provides benefits compared to conventional silicon technology. However, the high price of silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductors increases the overall cost. The EU-funded AdvanSiC project will develop, test and validate cost-effective high-voltage (HV) SiC MOSFETs in various medium-voltage direct current grid applications: a solid-state circuit breaker for DC converter stations, a full-scale wind converter, and a full scale solar inverter. The project aims to minimise HV SiC device cost by advanced design structures and process optimisations, ensuring an immune and reliable environment to handle SiC fast transients and optimising passives and cooling systems to reduce cost at the device and system levels.
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