European Projects, CATRENE


Date: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2016



  • Continental AG
  • ST
  • ILFA
  • Fundico
  • TU Berlin
  • TU Wien

The project EmPower aims at developing an entirely innovative packaging concept for the power drive electronics of engines in electric vehicles allowing for lower price, high reliability, low space requirement, capability of direct mounting on a motor so as to form one unit with the motor housing, wide switching frequency range (for large application field) and high power efficiency.

The innovative character of this packaging concept lies on the idea to embed the power drive components (IGBTs, MOSFETs,diode) as thinned chips into glass fiber reinforced epoxy-resin layer built-up and thereby to realize large-area interconnections to form a conductor structure with lowest possible electrical impedance and to achieve an optimum heat removal. Furthermore, the EmPower project pursues a cost effective and optimized thermal management concept by embedding the power semiconductors in a module that offers heat removal on both sides over the shortest possible heat conduction paths.



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