Research Programmes & Calls, EU HORIZON 2020

EU HORIZON 2020 - Clean Sky 2

Date: 25/11/2018 - 05/02/2019

A number of sub-calls are open including:

Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems 

ID: JTI-CS2-2018-CfP09-LPA-01-70

Specific Challenge: Arc tracking is already a significant issue in existing aerospace electrical systems operating at 115VAC and 230VAC and can cause significant damage to wiring. Moreover the impact of arc tracking on future systems operating at higher voltages, such as series hybrid electric systems, has not been assessed. This project should quantify the risk of arc tracking in megawatt scale aircraft electrical systems operating at high voltages (>1.5kV DC). The project should develop the fundamental understanding and consider what measures should be taken to safeguard the aircraft electrical system from resultant damage. The project should consider the configurations of cable likely to be used in higher voltage applications and the different voltage types (DC, AC, converter fed).

Insulation Monitoring for IT Grounded (Isolation Terra) Aerospace Electrical Systems 

ID: JTI-CS2-2018-CfP09-LPA-01-69

Specific Challenge: With an increase in the predicted demand for high voltage electrical power in large passenger aircraft, new electrical distribution systems will be required to enable safe, light, highly efficient electrical propulsion systems. Insulation monitoring technology is a crucial safety system on high integrity power distribution in land and marine systems, however they have not been optimised and made commercially available for aerospace. A functionally representative insulation monitoring system for aerospace is required, incorporating all the lessons and experience of established markets, but tailored to the specialised aerospace environment and its safety processes. Please refer to the full topic descriptions document published in this call.

Additive Manufacturing Magnetic Motor 

ID: JTI-CS2-2018-CfP09-SYS-02-56

Specific Challenge:

The active inceptor ergonomic performance is reached thanks to direct drive configuration, using electrical torque motor. The associated motor weight is a significant part of the inceptor total weight. The goal of the project is to investigate additive manufacturing technology to design and, manufacture a new generation of electrical motors, mixing all materials, especially for magnetic aspects, and to evaluate savings on weight, cost and performances, compare to current state of the art in traditional design and manufacturing.

MEMS sensors, wireless and innovative measurement systems for validation of HVDC system Structure integration and for new SHMS architectures 

ID: JTI-CS2-2018-CFP09-AIR-02-72

Specific Challenge:

The topic deals with design, development and manufacturing of a complete set up for a MTMPSN that allows the airframe Usage, Events and Damages monitoring for Health Monitoring of the Airframe structure and electrical power networks. It shall provide a common, innovative, data measurement, data analysis, data exploitation environment and requirements for MTMPSN, considering the use of MEMS-based sensors, Energy Harvesting and Wireless technologies to ensure the MTMPSN reliability in aircraft ground and rig test environments. Please refer to the full topic descriptions document published in this call.

EU HORIZON 2020 - Clean Sky 2

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ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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