Research Programmes & Calls, EU HORIZON 2020
Date: 10/01/2018 - 23/04/2018
Specific Challenge: Traction systems
The Traction Drive sub-system is one of the main sub-systems of a train as it moves the train converting energy from an electrical source (directly or via a chemical source) into a mechanical one. The physical domains to master are multiple: electrical, mechanical, thermal, and control. A large number of norms and regulations have to be taken into account for traction systems design, manufacturing, validation and certification.
The challenges, at this point, are:
These challenges were preliminarily undertaken by previous projects ROLL2RAIL30 and PINTA31 at low TRLs. In the AWP 2018, the developments shall reach higher TRLs.
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ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
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