Research Programmes & Calls, EU HORIZON 2020

EU Horizon 2020 - S2R-CFM-IP1-01-2018 Development of technology demonstrators for the next generation of traction systems and adhesion management systems

Date: 10/01/2018 - 23/04/2018

Specific Challenge: Traction systems 

The Traction Drive sub-system is one of the main sub-systems of a train as it moves the train converting energy from an electrical source (directly or via a chemical source) into a mechanical one. The physical domains to master are multiple: electrical, mechanical, thermal, and control. A large number of norms and regulations have to be taken into account for traction systems design, manufacturing, validation and certification. 

The challenges, at this point, are:

  • to master technologies breakthrough developments like Silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductors applied to different railways traction applications and wheel independent rotating wheels for high-speed trains (HST); 
  • to develop and contribute to implementing new methodologies, tools, norms & standards of noise, reliability, virtual validation and certification, smart maintenance. 

These challenges were preliminarily undertaken by previous projects ROLL2RAIL30 and PINTA31 at low TRLs. In the AWP 2018, the developments shall reach higher TRLs.


EU Horizon 2020 - S2R-CFM-IP1-01-2018 Development of technology demonstrators for the next generation of traction systems and adhesion management systems

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