Research Programmes & Calls, EU HORIZON 2020

EU Horizon 2020 - FCH2-RIA Research and Innovation action: Fuel cell systems for the propulsion of aerial passenger vehicle

Date: 15/01/2018 - 23/04/2018

Call scope:

The project should develop and demonstrate a fuel cell system dedicated to the propulsion of a 2 to 19 passengers regional aircraft emission free. The fuel cell system (FCS) architecture shall be modular and adaptable to different aerial vehicles such as UAVs with similar payloads capability. The aerial vehicle to be considered for demonstration should be able to carry a payload between 160 and 350 kg and have a range of 1 to 2 hours. The system to be developed should be based on an architecture involving elementary power modules and on technologies previously developed in the scope of previous FCH JU projects. The aim of such modular architecture is first to allow a scaling of the system to address a range of platforms and second to offer redundancy and therefore increase the reliability of the propulsive power source.

Key objectives:

  • Fuel cell system power output in the following ranges: fuel cell system total output power on demonstrator: 40 to 150 kW (multiple modules for 19 seater aircraft);
  • Adjust or re-use key components and subsystems allowing to reach gravimetric energy and power density, safety and lifetime under aeronautic RCS requirements 
  • Integration, installation into aircraft, industrialization and cost competitiveness have to be optimized in order to bring realistic solution. When applicable, aeronautic RCS have to be taken into account and compliance should be demonstrated (DO160, EASA CS-VLA, EASA CS23,…). Focus of the project will be the elaboration of the certification plan derived from existing RCS and to apply it to the system to be demonstrated in flight. The most-up to date RCS will be taken into account and gaps in the legislation will be highlighted;
  • Implement simulation and model-based design methodology for optimal design trade-offs (performances, durability) and definition of most suitable control strategies;
  • Experimental demonstration
  • Perform economical assessment and derive Fuel Cell system Total Cost of Ownership


EU Horizon 2020 - FCH2-RIA Research and Innovation action: Fuel cell systems for the propulsion of aerial passenger vehicle

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ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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