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Hysteresis Control / Switching Frequency Variation

  • Overview

    This applet shows the most important current control parameters of a typical power electronics converter system (shown here is an H-bridge with an inductor and AC voltage source at the output side). PWM control makes sure that voltages u2 and uk are balanced. The current ripple amplitude is defined by the hysteresis bandwidth of the controller ('h'). The switching frequency is strongly influenced by hysteresis bandwidth, output inductor and modulation index. High switching frequency means high switching loss and, therefore, a large heat sink, but, on the other hand, small EMI filter components.

  • Operation
    • Drag the red point at 'i2ref' (control circuit, magenta) to change the reference current. This does not impact the ripple frequency or amplitude.
    • Drag the red point of the hysteresis symbol to change 'h' (control circuit, magenta). This reduces the ripple amplitude, but increases the ripple frequency.
    • Change the value of the AC side inductor. This changes the ripple frequency but not the ripple amplitude in this control scheme.
    • Drag the red point of the voltage curve of 'uk' to change the amplitude and/or position of the AC voltage. The PWM switching pattern will be adjusted so that output voltage u2 balances voltage uk. Ripple amplitude will not change, but ripple frequency changes.

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ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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