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Speed-Control of PMSM

  • Overview

    This applet is based on the previous one - 'Torque-Control of PMSM'. A speed controller is now available in this standard configuration of dq-control. The current iSd is regulated to be zero in order to minimize current stress and losses.

  • Operation
    • Set the speed wM_ref independently from the load torque.
    • Adding or removing passengers (cklich the red text accordingly) will change the load torque, but the speed controller will adjust the machine torque accordingly.
    • Changing the reference current iSd_ref via the red slider will change the fields of the PMSM, and add current stress and losses, but it will not influence the machine torque.

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ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
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Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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