Date: 26/03/2019 - 27/03/2019
Location: Erding / Munich, Germany
Technical Chair:
Prof. Andreas Lindemann, Magdeburg University
Dr. Peter Friedrichs, Infineon Technologies
Prof. Leo Lorenz, ECPE
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Since more than 12 years the biannual ECPE Wide Bandgap User Forum has given advise and support to the introduction and the usage of SiC and GaN devices in power electronic systems. Major progress has been achieved, with today a multitude of SiC diodes and transistors being available and used in series products. For those, special aspects gain importance, such as robustness or qualification when exposed to demanding mission profiles. On the other hand still some more basic research and development work is dedicated to high voltage SiC and also GaN devices and their applications. These actual topics will be addressed during the upcoming 8th ECPE Wide Bandgap User Forum:
Besides an exemplary volume application of SiC devices, robustness and qualification of reliability – e. g. by power cycling with dedicated test methods – will be dealt with. This will be complemented by an outlook on research carried out with respect to new applications – e. g. with high operating voltage – and related new devices. Regarding GaN, several exemplary systems and the appropriate devices will be discussed. As both – SiC and GaN – devices are fast switching, there are common issues to be considered in circuit design: They refer to the device side including dedicated driving methods and circuits, to the supply side with related EMC aspects – in particular conducted and radiated emissions – and also to the load side where e. g. the behaviour of capacitive cables or motors may be concerned. In this context, a suitable design usually with low parasitics and an appropriate choice of passive components plays an important role.
International renowned experts are being invited to give an overview and to in depth explain their research and development work in technical presentations. Besides, the ECPE Wide Bandgap User Forum offers a platform for all participants to share experience and ideas.
The ECPE SiC & GaN User Forum 2019 is chaired by Prof. Andreas Lindemann (Magdeburg University), Dr. Peter Friedrichs (Infineon Technologies), Prof. Leo Lorenz (ECPE).
All presentations and discussions will be in English language.
Date: 26/03/2019 - 27/03/2019
Location: Erding / Munich, Germany
Technical Chair:
Prof. Andreas Lindemann, Magdeburg University
Dr. Peter Friedrichs, Infineon Technologies
Prof. Leo Lorenz, ECPE
Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0
© 2018 ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.