Date: 08/09/2022 - 09/09/2022
Location: Hannover, Germany
Technical Chair:
Dr. Sönke Rogalla, Dirk Kranzer, Fraunhofer ISE
Dr. Peter Steimer, Hitachi Energy
Prof. Leo Lorenz, Dr. Chris Gould, ECPE
ECPE Contact:
Marietta Di Dio
+49 911 81 02 88 - 13
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Registration Deadline: 31 August 2022
With the international commitment to a gradual coal phase-out, the transition towards a sustainable energy supply based on Renewable Energies will gain momentum. This workshop addresses the High-Power Electronics challenges in the MegaWatt and multi-MW range related to this transition including the introduction of hydrogen-based fuel-cells or turbines in combination with large-scale electro-lysers.
Development of hybrid power plants utilising combinations of renewable energy in-feed and energy storage by means of battery, hydrogen and thermal storage will gain importance in the local Medium Voltage range and DC distribution networks.
Weak grids in cities where uptake in EVs is highest will rely on localised battery energy storage for dynamic and fast charging of electric vehicles. Adaptation of this energy store for use in Firm Frequency Response applications benefits the grid during the day, whilst also enabling reactive power control at night.
Date: 08/09/2022 - 09/09/2022
Location: Hannover, Germany
Technical Chair:
Dr. Sönke Rogalla, Dirk Kranzer, Fraunhofer ISE
Dr. Peter Steimer, Hitachi Energy
Prof. Leo Lorenz, Dr. Chris Gould, ECPE
ECPE Contact:
Marietta Di Dio
+49 911 81 02 88 - 13
Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0
© 2018 ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.