Date: 13/01/2020 - 14/01/2020
Location: Munich, Germany
Technical Chair:
Prof. Nando Kaminski, University of Bremen (D)
Prof. Wataru Saito, Kyushu University (JP)
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In their early days, power semiconductor devices were quite limited in their safe operating area (SOA) and any over-stress led to immediate destruction. In the meantime, power devices have become much more robust or rugged and can withstand significant overstress. However, optimising one parameter might imply deteriorating another parameter and the most life-threatening conditions might change from generation to generation, i.e. have to be reassessed always anew. The situation gets even more complex with wide band-gap materials and their most critical stresses are different ones, like short circuit or avalanche breakdown. On top, robustness goes beyond a proper device design and includes thermal properties, smart control as well as the impact of auxiliary components and sometimes even the interaction of all the above. The invited speakers are all international experts in their fields and cover a wide range of devices from megawatt power level to low voltage Si devices and from wide band-gap to packaging aspects. The speakers will provide an update on the robustness of the respective devices and will identify as well as describe the most critical failure mechanisms. After each talk, there will be time to discuss the results. The workshop is aiming at experts, who want to get the latest results, but also at starters in the field or experienced practitioners, who want to get overview. All this will be provided a little more than a day. |
Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
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D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0
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